Weeknotes 0 - Grokking Algorithms

I had a chat with my line manager, David on On Friday. He mentioned weeknotes as a light alternative to blog posts. I’ll aim to use this format as a way of tracking what I’ve learned in a given week.

This week I continued reading Grokking Algorithms, which is easily the most enjoyable techie book I’ve ever read. It’s the perfect book for refreshing or filling up some gaps in your CS knowledge. Based on some of the examples, I wrote a binary search function that uses recursion. I’ve tried to simplify the solution as much as possible, so it’s easy to understand the concept.

# Recursive binary search
# Return the number if its in the array or return "Not found"
def search_recursive(list, item):
  low = 0
  high = len(list)-1
  if high >= low: 
      mid = (high + low) // 2
      guess = list[mid]

      if guess == item:
          return guess 
      elif guess > item: 
          return search_recursive(list[low:mid], item) 
          return search_recursive(list[mid+1: len(list)], item) 
      return "Not found"

I’ve also learnt about the Divide-and-conquer algorithm and the Euclidean algorithm.

Apparently, functional components are cooler than class components when it comes to React!