Weeknotes 1 - More React and grokking data stuctures

I’m trying to improve my front-end knowledge. This week I continued the Full React Course 2020 by freeCodeCamp. It turned out that having some experience with node.js and React exposure was enough for me to skip/fast forward the first 3-4 hours. Although, it introduced me to a cool VS code extention: Quokka, which displays runtime values in your editor next to your code, as you type, no more need for console.log() 🎉

Continuing with Grokking Algorithms here are some Big O notations of the operations of some of the common data structures:

Hash tables(avarage)Hash tables(worst)ArraysLinked lists

*Where O(1) means it takes one step and O(n) means it takes as many steps as the number of elements in the data structure.