Weeknotes 2 - Scrumban and #NoEstimates

This week I’d like to note something we learnt as a team on my current delivery. We are working in a Scrum team, but I think some processes are redundant. I have a strong opinion on scoring tickets. Although it can start a valuable conversation about the problem we need to solve, the scores themselves are meaningless and no more than guesses. I believe estimates are unnecessary unless there is pressure from stakeholders, and you need a space where you can explain the complexity of a piece of work. I’d highly recommend watching #NoEstimates by Allen Holub if you’d like to hear more arguments against estimates. In the last few sprints we started shifting towards Kanban with changing priorities and sometimes over or underestimated tickets; we needed to deviate from our plans and move tickets into the sprint or carry over to the next sprint. So why not do Scrumban?

I’ve made some improvements on a React pet project, refactored class components into functional components and resolved a nasty infinite loop caused by the useEffect hook. What a rookie mistake! 🤦‍♀️

I’ve played a bit with Gatsby because I’d like to build a personal website/blog so these weekly notes can find a home. 🏡